Hi Michael,
Le 02/09/2023 à 19:53, Michael Wolf a écrit :
recently an annoying issue often crops up. When I want to save my
translated string by the Save and Continue button, Weblate tells me that
the string has already been changed. Weblate jumps some strings forward.
Since my translation is not saved yet at this moment I have to translate
the string once more because the translation box is emptied. That's very
annoying. I saved the error message somewhere but I can't find it again.
I talk with Cloph about your issue, but he doesn't see from where it
could come. He didn't touch the template last week and there is no error
message he can see.
If you meet again the issue, could you point us to the exact string so
we can search in the log if something appeared. Also give the exact
message you get in Weblate and was it for Upper Sorbian?
I remember having something similar some months ago but was able to save
my translation nonetheless.
Sophie Gautier so...@libreoffice.org
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