Hi Ilmari,
Le 29/08/2023 à 11:28, Ilmari Lauhakangas a écrit :
On 29.8.2023 9.43, Martin Srebotnjak wrote:
I would call it "imitation" or "simulated"/"simulation", it just
imitates/simulates the "proper" numbering.
In the days of OOo every new feature needed first a confirmed design
document where even the UI-mock-up was presented.
Now we just code - and take care of the UI-repercussions later.
And as Miloš wrote, it doesn't work for me (macOS, while others
do. It is a "fake" check :)
Lp, m.
V V tor., 29. avg. 2023 ob 07:17 je oseba Yury Tarasievich <
yury.tarasiev...@gmail.com> napisala:
That kind of use of the word feels singularly
inappropriate in the modernworld.
Likely to cause confusion, even indignation.
I mean, how come your program calls my manual
numbering 'fake'?? It is 'unautomated'
numbering, certainly, but 'fake'?
Isn't this taking a bit too much on ourselves?
On 28/08/2023 18:44, Milos Sramek wrote:
Sorry, I quoted the help page incorrectly. The help page does not
currently mention that there is a check for simulated *captions*.
I have submitted a change to the string:
See the code for the checking logic:
To see the string in the UI, open the accessibility sidebar panel.
Type text that starts with Caption, Illustration, Table, Text, Drawing
or Figure
Immediately insert an image.
Now you should see "Fakes" in the sidebar (without my patch).
The check also works, if the image is anchored to the paragraph with the
Thanks a lot Ilmari for your quick feedback and your patch.
Sophie Gautier so...@libreoffice.org
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