Hi Eike,
thanks so much for your helpful reply.
Setting a default language/locale is only possible if locale data is
available. For how to contribute locale data please see
We are working on the locale data and will soon be able to submit.
Le 04/04/2023 à 14:57, Eike Rathke a écrit :
Hi Jean-Yves,
On Saturday, 2023-04-01 15:14:19 +0400, Jean-Yves Dick wrote:
On Linux, the language is not listed in Tools - Options- Language Settings -
Languages, but I am able to pick the spellchecher {mfe-mu} looking in More
(Language indication at page bottom).
What LibreOffice version? Seems to be an older one if only "{mfe-MU}" is
offered as list entry.
On Windows, it seems the mfe-MU locale is understood and Morisyen
(Mauritius) is proposed.
A more recent LibreOffice version then.
On both programs, it cannot be set as default language.
Setting a default language/locale is only possible if locale data is
available. For how to contribute locale data please see
Could you please address this issue and add <en> Creple (Rep. of Mauritius)
and <fr> Créole (Rép. de Maurice) in Languages ?
This is unnecessary as long as no locale data is available. As you saw
in your Windows LibreOffice version, adding the spell-checker with the
proper Locales value in dictionaries.xcu is enough to have the entry
present in the list.
By the way, as from now on, because LibreOffice is the only program where we
have been able to develop this tool
Great to hear.
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