Hi Jean-Yves,

On Saturday, 2023-04-01 15:14:19 +0400, Jean-Yves Dick wrote:

> On Linux, the language is not listed in Tools - Options- Language Settings -
> Languages, but I am able to pick the spellchecher {mfe-mu} looking in More
> (Language indication at page bottom).

What LibreOffice version? Seems to be an older one if only "{mfe-MU}" is
offered as list entry.

> On Windows, it seems the mfe-MU locale is understood and Morisyen
> (Mauritius) is proposed.

A more recent LibreOffice version then.

> On both programs, it cannot be set as default language.

Setting a default language/locale is only possible if locale data is
available. For how to contribute locale data please see

> Could you please address this issue and add <en> Creple (Rep. of Mauritius)
> and <fr> Créole (Rép. de Maurice) in Languages ?

This is unnecessary as long as no locale data is available. As you saw
in your Windows LibreOffice version, adding the spell-checker with the
proper Locales value in dictionaries.xcu is enough to have the entry
present in the list.

> By the way, as from now on, because LibreOffice is the only program where we
> have been able to develop this tool

Great to hear.


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