Hi Olivier,
Answering in detail to your request,
Le 23/02/2022 à 14:13, Olivier Hallot a écrit :
HI Sophie
My suggestions for weblate are
1) a link in the Weblate UI to go to the root of the project. In other
words: to be able to go directly to
I guess this is what Tuomas requested on #5447
without having to select language (menu Languages - pt-BR) and then
click in LibreOfficeHelp - master.
2) Have Machine Translation as a suggestion alongside with Memory
Today, in Help long strings, I copy&pasta between Weblate and a free
machine translation service (Google, Bing, Deepl, Matecat...) to spare
typing effort especially when weblate memory translation returns no match.
Machine translation served as suggestion forces a second read before
committing translation.
You were in the team meeting yesterday when we discussed it. Before
going there, we need to investigate on several topics. Following that, I
wanted to open another thread to get feedback on Matecat that you
proposed (thanks :). Testing it this morning, I see it covers a good
list of languages and several formats. Compared to the others, it would
remove the expensive costs of some or legal issues.
3) Remove the extra duplicate Glossary projects I have in my weblate
screen (I have 6 in the master UI project and 3 entries in the master Help)
We discussed this also already. If I remember well removing projects
will remove duplicate glossaries (1 entry per project). Cloph will
upgrade Weblate to 4.10 soon and I think (I'll ask him for confirmation)
he will remove 7.0 and 7.1 at the same time.
@all: if you think 7.2 should be removed at the same time, let me know
Thanks for the nice work of the L10n team
+1000 :)
Sophie Gautier so...@libreoffice.org
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