Hi Ming,

sorry, I thought it would be enough naming the strings. LO 7.1 German
UI, start Writer - Menu Form - More Fields - Date Field - Context Menu
Control Properties... - Tab Page General - setting Drop-down to yes and
close the windows, then click on the arrow in the date field, the
buttons today and none are not translated.


Ming H.:
> Hi Carl,
> ------------------ Original ------------------
> From: "Carl Wellhöfer" <transl...@web.de>;
> Send time: Monday, Jul 19, 2021 2:58 AM
>> Hi,
>> I received an advice from a user that two button in LO 7.1 Writer are
>> not translated. In LO 7.0 the buttons are translated.
>> The strings in LO 7.0 are
>> https://translations.documentfoundation.org/translate/libo_ui-7-0/svtoolsmessages/de/?checksum=ddab01ddb73408af
>> https://translations.documentfoundation.org/translate/libo_ui-7-0/svtoolsmessages/de/?checksum=f6597580bde7fcb0
> It would be helpful if the user or you can also describe how to see these
> two buttons from the user interface (which module, what steps to open
> which dialog/widget, etc.), so that other people can tracked down which
> part of the code changed since 7.0 that causes these two translatable
> strings to disappear.
>> They are not existing in LO 7.1 and Master.
> Regards,
> Ming

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