Hi Shinji,

Le 14/07/2021 à 22:14, Shinji Enoki a écrit :
> Hi Sophi and all,
>> You mean they can't comment because they give suggestions as anonymous users?
> I think it would be nice if logged-in users could comment. I think
> Nogata-san has the same opinion.
> Then we rarely face the problem of spam comments compared to giving to
> anonymous users.
> Currently,  logged-in normal users cannot comment.
> For example, I can't comment. :
> https://translations.documentfoundation.org/user/enoki/
> In the Japanese community, Nogata-san and Meguro-san can comment, so I
> think the "Reviewers" only can comment.

Thanks for checking. Currently, translators and reviewers should be able
to add comments both to source strings and translations, you have 'Add
suggestions' role. But I understand your request and I'll ask Christian
if we can add the role there to all languages during the next upgrade.
I'll keep the list informed.

Sophie Gautier so...@libreoffice.org
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IRC: soph
Foundation coordinator
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