Hi Sophie,

------------------ Original ------------------
From: "sophi" <so...@libreoffice.org>;
Send time: Tuesday, Jun 29, 2021 7:16 PM
> Hi Ming,
> [...]
> > So may I, as a QA person who regularly triages l10n bugs, ask for Weblate
> > permission to add comments for all languages?  Or alternatively, someone 
> > with
> > permission please add a German-specific comment on [2] and let the German
> > translators know about the bug [1].
> There is no such role as Add comments for all languages. What I do
> usually is to post on this list with a request to the team to comment on
> the bug or to let me know if they don't want to post on BZ.
> > Finally as a side note, it would be nice if there is a point-person from the
> > German l10n community that has an email address registered on Bugzilla, so 
> > that
> > relevant bugs can be easily CC'ed to, instead of just a mailing list address
> > listed on [3].
> This list is also here for that :) Members of the l10n team usually read it.

I understand that there is technical limitation to achieve the "comments for all
languages" goal I want.  I'll use this list for communication about German l10n
bugs in the future.

> BTW, you have two accounts in Weblate, maybe one can be deleted?

Yes, I have always been using the @PlateauWolf account this whole time, and
don't remember ever registering for the @minghua one.  Please delete the empty
@minghua account.

> Cheers
> Sophie

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