Will the Extended Tips work for locales of LibreOffice that do not have
a translation of the Help files?
I've tried checking the Welsh translations of the Extended Tips in
LibreOffice (64bit) but none of the ones translated appear.
I've checked the Tools - Options- LibreOffice - General > Extended tips.
When I try turning them on temporarily Shift+F1 I get a dialog:
The internal LibreOffice help for the UI language has not been installed
(back translated ;-) )
or nothing.
It could be that none of the Welsh translation of Extended Tips that
I've done so far have been included in
At the moment I'm not getting anything via any of these options. I'm a
hesitant to continue to translate the Extended Tips if they will not
appear without the whole Help files having been translated.
Any suggestions? Thanks.
Ar 18/08/2020 15:35, ysgrifennodd Milos Sramek:
maybe that you have already noticed - strings of extended tooltips
started to appear in the UI strings, there are currently 170 of them.
Originally, they were a part of the help files, where they were marked
by the <ahelp> tag. There are currently 6000+ extended tooltips there.
This means that their translations need to to be transferred from the
help files to the UI files (I exclude the option to translate them again).
Maybe the developers will solve this somehow.
Meanwhile I have written a script etiptrans.py which can do that. Its
usage is as simple as this 4 commands
etiptrans.py -p ui -l sk download
etiptrans.py -p help -l sk download
etiptrans.py -p ui -l sk transfer
etiptrans.py -p ui -l sk upload
The required access key is taken from an environment variable. It runs
in Linux environment, I think that the Windows 10 Linux environment is
also OK.
The script can do a little more, like checking which files were modified
or what has been changed. It can also transfer tips from UI to help -
if you already have translated them in UI, but they are not translated
in help. If you want to translate locally (by poedit or so), the script
can help in downloading and uploading files.
It can be used individually for each language by individual translators,
but perhaps also for all languages by somebody who has the required rights.
Do we have a place where to put it, so that anybody can download it?. It
is finished, but needs more testing. I have to write some documentation
Rhoslyn Prys
07815067805 / 01248 351289
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