Hi Milos,
Le 18/08/2020 à 16:35, Milos Sramek a écrit :
> Hi,
> maybe that you have already noticed - strings of extended tooltips
> started to appear in the UI strings, there are currently 170 of them.
> Originally, they were a part of the help files, where they were marked
> by the <ahelp> tag. There are currently 6000+ extended tooltips there.
> This means that their translations need to to be transferred from the
> help files to the UI files (I exclude the option to translate them again).
> Maybe the developers will solve this somehow.

Olivier and Christian were looking at it, yes.
> Meanwhile I have written a script etiptrans.py which can do that. Its
> usage is as simple as this 4 commands

Thanks a lot for your work!
Could you upload the script to github or the pastebin you prefer so they
can have a look at it?
Thanks again,
Sophie Gautier so...@libreoffice.org
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