Hi Martin,

Martin Srebotnjak wrote on 30/09/2020 00:43:

> does someone have a clue how all the l10n efforts of LO could be
> numerically measured/represented?
> Like what amount of the l10n effort of LO project is contributed by "the
> community" and how much by the "ecosystem companies".

Good that you put this forward. I think also the infoGraph that
Collabora * presents every year - like yesterday, possibly you noticed
;) - would be better if we can present some numbers there and credit our

> Since at the time being only new/changed lines of code get measured and
> used in all the press releases - we might not have a proper view of the
> project and the role of the community and its volunteers - nor can the l10n
> effort be properly communicated in the press releases.

As Italo & Sophi pointed out, it is a nice diverse field to cover there.
And including in stats and the credits pages is an important improvement.


*) one of the hats I'm wearing

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