Hi Martin, all,
Le 30/09/2020 à 00:43, Martin Srebotnjak a écrit :
> Hello, l10n community,
> does someone have a clue how all the l10n efforts of LO could be
> numerically measured/represented?
> Like what amount of the l10n effort of LO project is contributed by "the
> community" and how much by the "ecosystem companies".
> Since at the time being only new/changed lines of code get measured and
> used in all the press releases - we might not have a proper view of the
> project and the role of the community and its volunteers - nor can the l10n
> effort be properly communicated in the press releases.

To add to what Italo said, we should have Weblate connected to the
dashboard [1] hopefully before the end of the year. This should help to
draw statistics and have the l10n community better represented.



Sophie Gautier so...@libreoffice.org
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