Hi Olivier,

On Tue, Dec 31, 2019 at 8:10 PM Olivier Hallot
<olivier.hal...@libreoffice.org> wrote:
> Actually, I broke the rule of not splitting sentences into pieces, which
> is a bad practice translation-wise. My bad.
> %PRODUCTVERSION is a dynamic string that is updated each release, so it
> doesn't serve to the purpose.

You could still have the strings translated with embedvar, couldn't you?

In worst case scenario you'll have as many strings as there are
versions (with only benefit that translators can not accidentally
change the version itself), but variable definitions can be nested, so
maybe it is possible to use variable id "productversion" in the
translatable string, and have something like <variable
id="productversion" localize="false"><variable
id="setmeaccordingtocontext" localize="false">actual


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