Hi Kolbjørn

Yes one bug per image.
Otherwise I think it can be very hard to manage.

The main screenshot of the Impress option dialog in the page can be
automated and I am working on it.

Thank you

Em 19/12/2019 09:51, Kolbjørn Stuestøl escreveu:
> Thank you. I'll give it a try when I have "translated" the images. One
> bug per image?
> Kolbjørn
> Den 18.12.2019 23:46, skreiv Olivier Hallot:
>> Hello Kolbjørn
>> Yes you can supply the image of your own language. Please open a bug for
>> Documentation and attach the image, and put me in copy. Please let the
>> community know here the bug number so others can attach their own
>> image too.
>> Kind regards
>> Em 18/12/2019 14:43, Kolbjørn Stuestøl escreveu:
>>> Is it possible to add "translated" images when using Weblate in online
>>> mode?
>>> If possible, how to do it?
>>> Example: Replacing the image "sd_PresenterConsole04.png" with a
>>> "translated" image in <image
>>> src="media/helpimg/sd_PresenterConsole04.png" id="img_id401512827886185"
>>> width="640" height="72"><alt id="alt_id71512827886185">Presenter Console
>>> Controls</alt></image>
>>> Kolbjørn

Olivier Hallot
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