Hello Kolbjørn

Yes you can supply the image of your own language. Please open a bug for
Documentation and attach the image, and put me in copy. Please let the
community know here the bug number so others can attach their own image too.

Kind regards

Em 18/12/2019 14:43, Kolbjørn Stuestøl escreveu:
> Is it possible to add "translated" images when using Weblate in online
> mode?
> If possible, how to do it?
> Example: Replacing the image "sd_PresenterConsole04.png" with a
> "translated" image in <image
> src="media/helpimg/sd_PresenterConsole04.png" id="img_id401512827886185"
> width="640" height="72"><alt id="alt_id71512827886185">Presenter Console
> Controls</alt></image>
> Kolbjørn

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