Hi Stanislas,

Le 07/12/2019 à 20:35, Stanislav Horáček a écrit :
> Hi,
> is it possible to use the glossary in Weblate? I have only access to
> the "Browse", "Export glossary" and "History" commands, whereas I
> don't see "Add new word" and "Import Glossary" [1].
> This feature was available in Pootle (the project "Terminology" was
> used for that) and it helps a lot to maintain translation consistency.
> It would be nice to upload the terminologies from Pootle to Weblate
> automatically, but, of course it would be enough if we can do it
> manually.

This is now solved, you should be able to add your glossary to Weblate
and edit/modify it.

Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
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