Have seen my fault after sending the email. Just overlooked Slovenian
and missed the ML. Sorry for that.

2017-06-12 16:58 GMT+02:00 Martin Srebotnjak <mi...@filmsi.net>:
> Heiko,
> you should also have Slovenian (sl), I attached the file to the ticket.
> Lp, m.
> 2017-06-12 16:14 GMT+02:00 Heiko Tietze <tietze.he...@googlemail.com>:
>> Sent the email unintentionally to Martin only.
>> >...there is no Quickstarter on macOS
>> >...ask the user in survey which OS he/she is using
>> >...Postscript printing... enabled per Tools > Options > Print > PDF as
>> > standard off.
>> Thought the quickstarter is neither available on Linux but it is,
>> however with limited functionality and buggy on Qt-based systems. The
>> same is true for postscript printing when you switch off the PDF
>> option, which actually goes through CUPS (as I was told, not an expert
>> in this field). Likely the same on macOS.
>> What we want to know is whether or not users are aware of these
>> features and make use of it. Knowing that 0.0001% of the Linux users
>> (n=2 *g*) have tried this vs. 0.001% of the Windows folks (n=10)
>> brings it not into the focus of development. Of course we will treat
>> the numbers with care and do not deprecate features just because
>> people don't know ImageMap anymore, for example.
>> Thanks a lot to everyone for the translations. So far we have
>> en,dt,fr,no,bg,hr,cz,it,tr
>> Would be nice to get also Spanish and Russian.
>> Cheers,
>> Heiko
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