Sent the email unintentionally to Martin only. >...there is no Quickstarter on macOS >...ask the user in survey which OS he/she is using >...Postscript printing... enabled per Tools > Options > Print > PDF as >standard off.
Thought the quickstarter is neither available on Linux but it is, however with limited functionality and buggy on Qt-based systems. The same is true for postscript printing when you switch off the PDF option, which actually goes through CUPS (as I was told, not an expert in this field). Likely the same on macOS. What we want to know is whether or not users are aware of these features and make use of it. Knowing that 0.0001% of the Linux users (n=2 *g*) have tried this vs. 0.001% of the Windows folks (n=10) brings it not into the focus of development. Of course we will treat the numbers with care and do not deprecate features just because people don't know ImageMap anymore, for example. Thanks a lot to everyone for the translations. So far we have en,dt,fr,no,bg,hr,cz,it,tr Would be nice to get also Spanish and Russian. Cheers, Heiko -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: Problems? Posting guidelines + more: List archive: All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted