Hi all,
Le 20/11/2016 à 15:29, அருண் குமார் (Arun Kumar) a écrit :
> Hi,
>> Hello L10n Team leaders
>> Hi,
>>> The next LO 5.3 release will include a new entry in the applications
>>> help menu, "Get Help Online".
>>> Menu *Help -> Get Help Online*
>>> This entry aims to quick-link the software to a website with a
>>> community-driven contents localized website , such as a forum or askbot,
>>> to be open in the browser. The link will pass the language of your UI
>>> (not the locale!) to the TDF infra hub.
>>> Please confirm if you want us to link to the askbot in your language or
>>> you want the link to point to another website. Beware that your choice
>>> may not be under TDF infra management.
>> For Turkish, please add
>> http://forum.libreoffice.org.tr/
> For Tamil, Please add
> http://ta.libreoffice.org/

Thanks, links have been added to the ticket:


Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: sophi
Release coordinator
The Document Foundation

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