Hi Lera

Em 23/08/2016 12:52, Lera Goncharuk escreveu:
> On Tuesday 23 August 2016 12:24:19 Olivier Hallot wrote:
>> I'm not a lawyer.
> I'm too.
>> Can you tell me what site you think to connect to LibreOffice software?
>> Is it a proprietary/business/corporation website?
> It is our forum of a user support http://forumooo.ru/

OK. The site seems to be an open community forum.

>> What specific proprietary (contents) license do you have in mind?
> The forum does not report any specific license. But for keeping of a 
> copyright, 
> it need to be asked on copying and using of materials that the author posted. 
> As I understand, that is proprietary license.

Is there a page where copyright is explicit? I am using google and I
can't find any page where copyright is mentioned.


Olivier Hallot
Comunidade LibreOffice 
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

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