Congratulations on the most absurd set of numbers ever to justify a
bonkers approach. I bet some dev at the Pentagon made a similar brief
for retaining 8" floppies in the nuclear launch program last year.
There isn't enough material in Primitive Irish to write a shopping list,
never mind a website. It's mostly names of people so that's not a use
case, it's a joke. Especially when you consider that, for example, this
system leaves Yoruba (65 million *living* speakers capable of writing
more than X ERECTED THIS STONE) or Kurdish (est. 15 million speakers)
royally buggered...
In the words of Victor Meldrew "I don't believe it" - we're sitting here
in 2016 debating an version of LibreOffice, with its long history of
l10n, which is seemingly incapable of enabling users to access the
software in their chosen language... I expect this kind of thing from
Apple or Google, not TDF...
Sgrìobh toki na leanas 27/05/2016 aig 09:16:
On 25/05/2016 23:42, Michael Bauer wrote:
but there is no such thing as "Scottish Gaelic (gd) - Ireland (ie)". Scottish
Gaelic is not an Irish locale.
Whilst one has to go back in time, there is a use case for gd-IE that
that fails when one uses ga-IE as a workaround. One does have to go
further back in time, for pgl-ie-212 to be the required setting.
(Gaeilge Ársa in Ireland using the Ogham writing system.)
This is where the UI designer has to decide what percentage of the user
base can be pissed off, because the UI doesn't support their specific
use-case. Do you aim at a minimal 1,000,000 combinations (^1), or the
basic core of 275 million combinations (^2), or go to the full
1,188,137,600,000 theoretically possible combinations (^3).
^1: Minimal setup: 1,000 languages, 100 countries, 10 writing systems,
no modifier.
^2: Basic Core: 2,500 languages, 110 countries, 100 writing systems, 10
^3: Full: 17,576 languages, 676 countries, 1,000 writing systems, 100
*Akerbeltz <>*
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