Why can LO Online not deal with locales which are not in the browser-accept locales? It cannot possibly be in the realm of the impossible to implement a locale selection feature.

Seems a pretty weird list, for one thing "gd-ie" does not exist as a locale. I mean, it's on the list but there is no such thing as "Scottish Gaelic (gd) - Ireland (ie)". Scottish Gaelic is not an Irish locale. At all. It's like have fr-UK or es-FR.


Sgrìobh Andras Timar na leanas 25/05/2016 aig 21:54:
Please note, LibreOffice Online is a web application. We can support only
those languages that have support in browsers. See the list at:
ca-valencia is a notable example that is*not*  on this list. There can be
other examples. Please check, before translating.


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