Il 28/04/2016 20:13, Olivier Hallot ha scritto:
Hi As some of you know perhaps, I have set a web site that is able to display the help pages (.xhp) directly on a browser (except Microsoft browsers, saddly) As a translator myself I found it interesting to display the page where the string is located. It helps to understand the context of the string to translate and to improve quality.
Great job, Olivier! :)
For example, if I am translating string 'xSbDA' located in page '03060000.xhp' of 'libo_help/smath/01.po', I can visit the page in English at the address The Pootle server in translation mode shows all information to access the page, but there is no automatic connection between vm173 and Pootle. The help online has been loaded with the latest master help contents, updated just today. What you see there may be a little in advance of the exisiting copy in pootle. I believe this shall not be an issue for most of you. Another usage of this service is to browse or review help pages ad-hoc and check for consistency, precision and linguistics of its contents. The top right area displays info on the xhp file, so it makes it easy to pinpoint the page to improve. I hope some of you will find interesting to access vm173. regards
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