Hi Dennis,
Sgrìobh Dennis Roczek na leanas 28/04/2016 aig 00:30:
I have no clear understanding which languages uses which kind of system
and scripts. But as far as I know: many who uses scripts to get the
extensions packed, simply use homegrown / self-made scripts in any
language or simply pack the extension manually.
Yes, we use a homegrown script because it has to parcel a very specific
file which gets exported from the dictionary database
Do try to get the system running, provide a system (hosted / maintained
by TDF) and everybody would use the same system to create new
dictionaries - it will become superior after time. Additional systems
(e.g. Mozilla based products for the easiest example) can be added later
There will always be special cases and if the new centralised system is
to draw in as many as possible, it must allow committing of ready
dic/aff/xpi etc files by people who create their Hunspell stuff in other
ways. There's no way I would ever start maintaining our files on another
platform manually and I would imagine that not many people who have a
dynamic setup like ours would either. We have grown the dic this way
from 500k to 1.5m words this way in 4 years, that would simply not be
feasible in another way (for us).
The point about the affix file: I imagined the system more on a much
lower base: Joe Average is computer affine and realized that the system
is based on volunteer work and sends his "customs"/unknown words to the
maintainer (either e.g. a web page, directly integrated within
libreoffice or whatever) and the maintainer (similar to the Language
Administrator in Pootle) decides if it goes in the dictionary or not.
That might work quite well for a very mature dictionary file or new
locales where there is no existing data that one can draw on.
Moreover: that kind of system won't include that much resources (neither
human resource nor server source) to maintain. OTOH we might have
Hah. Nothing that involves spelling is ever easy :) Even if just because
many languages have competing orthographies.
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