On 27/04/2016 23:30, Dennis Roczek wrote:

> Do try to get the system running, provide a system (hosted / maintained
 by TDF) and everybody would use the same system to create new dictionaries

Make it easy enough, and every group that is working on reducing a
language to writing, will be uploading their word lists here.
(If that occurs, then LibO will definitely need to redesign the language
selection component.)

> libreoffice or whatever) and the maintainer (similar to the Language
> Administrator in Pootle) decides if it goes in the dictionary or not.

This is where automated tools are great.
(I'll ignore  issues such as
the one with Afrikaans, which didn't contain the word "die" for several
years.  This is the definite article in Afrikaans, so it was a pretty
annoying omission.)

> @toki I really hope not that the maintainers do have *NOT* to learn git.
> It should be more than an intelligent pootle system.

The reason I mentioned GIT, is because there was (operative word _was_)
a group of people working on an extension for AOo/LibO to save documents
to GIT. The projected end result would be that all the individual would
have to know about GIT, was to click on this extension to either save,
or retrieve the document from GIT.

> looks with the affix files, but we will find somebody who can do it - 

My impression is that there is a python library that takes word lists,
and creates affix files from them.

> If the "TDF" and volunteers are able to implement that in a technical way, 
> Will be a completely different story.

Listing the technical requirements for the must-haves and nice-to-haves.


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