On 04/12/2016 05:49 AM, chandrakant dhutadmal wrote:
If so, in that case also it would be good to check what translations were done
by previous translators.
I sure agree with that but my logic was that older translations get to
newer versions so they are technically not lost. Translation you find
'correct' is included in newer version.
If something is good in 4.4, it's making to 5.1, but if it's not, you
are still gonna make suggestion that is and so it gets to 5.1.
What's not translated in older, it's not gonna be in newer.
I don't know if Pootle suggesting suggestion from older versions: don't
know if you can see suggestions that where not approved for 4.4 when you
translating 5.1.
But I do realize that differences in translations for different versions
can be helpful (for comparing and such) and I'm not trying to argue that.
On Monday, April 11, 2016 2:22 AM, Sérgio Marques <smarque...@gmail.com>
Hi Mihovil
For Portuguese you can remove 4.x projects for sure. We won´t touch it
2016-04-09 10:39 GMT+01:00 Mihovil Stanić <miho...@miho.im>:
I see other languages have same projects also, so not sure if you can
remove just ours (HR).
But since 4.3 / 4.4 / 5.0 aren't used any more I think it's safe to remove
it for everyone?
Best regards,
08.04.2016 u 10:07, Kruno je napisao/la:
I wonder if it's possible to remove old LO versions from Pootle for
Croatian. We still have 4.3 and 4.4 so Pootle is suggesting translations
from this projects as well but those suggestions are often outdated or
wrong and seeing them in suggestion filed can be quite confusing and
(And how helpful translation from 4.3 can be for translating master when
everything from 4.3 already is in master, and we are just being suggested
something we corrected)
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