On 25 August 2015 at 16:03, Sveinn í Felli <s...@fellsnet.is> wrote:

> Þann þri 25.ágú 2015 14:36, skrifaði Sophie:
>> Hi Sveinn
>> Le 25/08/2015 16:09, Sveinn í Felli a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> Is there anyone else experiencing Pootle being busy since this morning ?
>>> All project pages are constantly refreshing themselves, with a message
>>> on top:
>>> "Some data on this page is currently being calculated, and the page will
>>> be refreshed automatically in $ second. Refresh now"
>> Copying Cloph yesterday's answer ;)
>> ------------------------------
>> Should stop by itself... The "python brackets" test has been disabled
>> on the libreoffice project, to avoid false positives from that string
>> - we're not using python style string replacements, so {foo} has no
>> special meaning/doesn't have to be the same.
>> So the system now is refreshing the stats.
>> It doesn't hinder you from doing translations, does it? Only the
>> summary  screens should be affected, not the translation  view.
> Actually, yes it does; I'm one of the curious breed which prefer doing
> translations offline, with my tools of choice. During this phase, neither
> uploading or downloading files are on offer ;-(

They actually are on offer (just tested).  It's just the the automatic
reload of the page doesn't allow time for the download or upload to
complete.  As a work around for now, please choose a smaller subset for
your offline work.

Having said that.  This refresh has taken way too long and I'll investigate
what has happened here.


+27 12 460 1095 (work)

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