Þann þri 25.ágú 2015 14:36, skrifaði Sophie:
Hi Sveinn
Le 25/08/2015 16:09, Sveinn í Felli a écrit :
Is there anyone else experiencing Pootle being busy since this morning ?
All project pages are constantly refreshing themselves, with a message
on top:
"Some data on this page is currently being calculated, and the page will
be refreshed automatically in $ second. Refresh now"
Copying Cloph yesterday's answer ;)
Should stop by itself... The "python brackets" test has been disabled
on the libreoffice project, to avoid false positives from that string
- we're not using python style string replacements, so {foo} has no
special meaning/doesn't have to be the same.
So the system now is refreshing the stats.
It doesn't hinder you from doing translations, does it? Only the
summary screens should be affected, not the translation view.
Actually, yes it does; I'm one of the curious breed which prefer doing
translations offline, with my tools of choice. During this phase,
neither uploading or downloading files are on offer ;-(
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