Hi Serg, *,

On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 10:40 AM, Serg Bormant <borm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, all.
> 2015-06-26 13:47 GMT+03:00 Christian Lohmaier
> <lohmaier+ooofut...@googlemail.com>:
>> The bulk of changed strings in UI is from the added emoji autocorrect
>> file (1395 "words").
> "emoji autocorrect file", what is it exactly?

The file has pretty good comments, and also lists the target-character
(of course you need a font that contains the character to display it),
other than that you need to imagine by the string-identifier and the
autocorrect sequence.

> Do we need to translate
> these "words"?

No, if you think it is a waste of time, don't translate.

And for some it doesn't really make sense to translate, for example
the double-exclamation mark character using two !! is a good way to
represent it, or the ellipsis (three-dots-character) using ... for it
is pretty straightforward.

But of course for the other symbols, using a localized trigger might make sense.

> Are there any hints about using space character in
> emoji names?

Space is OK - some of the English strings already make use of it. For
example "do not litter" or "potable water" signs/triggers.

But just noticed a bug in pootle. It doesn't display the developer
comments for the higher unicode samples...
e.g.  for the cent symbol:
¢ (U+000A2), see http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Emoji

Must be unicode related bug in the DB....


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