Can you create an account on
https://translations.documentfoundation.org/ and let me know which
username you chose?
I can set you up for translation fairly quickly, but there will also be
a need to create a locale xml file (see
but we can deal with that a bit later.
Sgrìobh Отдел прикладной семиотики Академия наук Чеченской республики na
leanas 14/05/2015 aig 13:01:
Hi, everybody.
I would like to start translating LibreOffice into the Chechen language.
Here necessary information on language 1) ISO 639-1 code: ce
2) The country where speak this language: Russia
3) The name of the language in English: Chechen
4) This language isn't present in Microsoft locale ID
5) This is language does use Cyrillics script
6) contact e-mail address: prik...@mail.ru
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