Thanks for the answers, but the problem remains, it is not the code, but the use. For example a) I can't know if the ; is used in enumerations (e.g. in help) or in a plain text, because I have to use a diffrent symbol in Greek. b) I can't know if the . or , (in numbers or in text?) has to be used in local or in English.
2014-12-12 22:58 GMT+02:00 Jesper Hertel <>: > > I believe the strings can be found by everybody using a search in the > Comments field for the codes given below. Check "Comments" and "Exact > match" when searching. The search is very fast when Exact match is checked. > > But yes, it would be easier if everybody just had access to the greek > translation at :-) > > 2014-12-11 13:50 GMT+01:00 ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ Σ <>: >> >> High, >> > > Hi Δημητρησ (Dimitrio, right?), > > >> The questions are: > > a) The string ? in (String 29043393 >> < >> >> >) >> (glossary.src STR_QUERY_DELETE_GROUP2 string.text) > > is used as the simple >> question mark or for another purpose and should be stay as it is? > > > This is code 8aDAD > > > b) The Semicolons in (String 29044489 >> < >> >> > >> ) (converttexttable.ui semicolons label string.text) is used as the simple >> semicolon or for another purpose and should be stay as it is? >> > > This is code D4FLM > > > >> c) The . in (String 40059917 >> < >> >> >) >> (insertcaption.ui num_separator_edit text string.text) is used as the >> simple full stop or for another purpose and should be stay as it is? >> > > This is code 8aDAD > > > >> d) The . in (String 48071054 >> < >> >> >) >> (optcaptionpage.ui numseparator text string.text) is used as the simple >> full stop or for another purpose and should be stay as it is? >> > > This is code cAQbj > > >> e) There are, too, two-three cases - I don't recall now - for the >> separator >> of thousounds and decimals, where in French it is used the same symbol as >> in English (, .) and in German (. ,). What is the right? >> > > As Sophie already mentioned, > mentions the > use in different countries. Note that several different notations can be > valid for the same country. > > According to that source, it seems like the French version of the SI style > is valid in both Germany and France: > > 1 234 567,89 > > But this is also valid in Germany: > > 1.234.567,89 > > f) I think that those cases should be more clear. >> > > I think it would be easier to do something about with if you could mention > the specific cases when you see them again. :-) Searching for either "." or > "," would give too many results. > > >> Regards >> >> > Regards, > Jesper > -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: Problems? Posting guidelines + more: List archive: All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted