Le 11/12/2014 13:50, ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ Σ a écrit :
> High,
> The questions are:

Could you allow to see your project, otherwise we can't see your links :)
> a) The string ? in (String 29043393
> <https://translations.documentfoundation.org/el/libo_ui/translate/sw/source/ui/misc.po#unit=29043393>)
> (glossary.src STR_QUERY_DELETE_GROUP2 string.text) is used as the simple
> question mark or for another purpose and should be stay as it is?
> b) The Semicolons in (String 29044489
> <https://translations.documentfoundation.org/el/libo_ui/translate/sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui.po#unit=29044489>
> ) (converttexttable.ui semicolons label string.text) is used as the simple
> semicolon or for another purpose and should be stay as it is?
> c) The . in (String 40059917
> <https://translations.documentfoundation.org/el/libo_ui/translate/sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui.po#unit=40059917>)
> (insertcaption.ui num_separator_edit text string.text) is used as the
> simple full stop or for another purpose and should be stay as it is?
> d) The . in (String 48071054
> <https://translations.documentfoundation.org/el/libo_ui/translate/sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui.po#unit=48071054>)
> (optcaptionpage.ui numseparator text string.text) is used as the simple
> full stop or for another purpose and should be stay as it is?
> e) There are, too, two-three cases - I don't recall now - for the separator
> of thousounds and decimals, where in French it is used the same symbol as
> in English (, .) and in German (. ,). What is the right?
> f) I think that those cases should be more clear.
> Regards

Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
Co-founder - Release coordinator
The Document Foundation

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