On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 6:48 PM, Jesper Hertel <jesper.her...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks, Andras!
> So how come the attribute is there in 3405 places (on different elements,
> though) if it is not used at all?

Maybe designers of help format thought, that name attribute would be
used in the future. But it never happened. It would make little sense
to remove this attribute now, it would just create work for everyone.
(E.g. to update translations.). Not to mention that there are plans to
bin this help format, and use wiki instead.

> And how come the guide, which I am now aware of thanks to Sophie, says:
>  "name is the displayed name of the file content. It has to be localized".

Maybe the author of the guide didn't know that name attribute is unused.


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