Oh, there are actually *3405 *places with a *name="..."* attribute in the
LibreOffice 4.4 Help:


So it would be nice to know whether they should be translated or not. :-)


2014-11-26 1:43 GMT+01:00 Jesper Hertel <jesper.her...@gmail.com>:

> In the string
> https://translations.documentfoundation.org/da/libo_help/translate/#unit=28588429
> which has this value in English:
> <link href="text/shared/01/05210700.xhp"
> name="Transparency">Transparency</link>,
> should the value of the name attribute ("Transparency") be translated?
> I can see that it has been translated in some languages, and not in others.
> Jesper

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