Hi, 2014.11.05 19:35, Sophie wrote: > So for information, I've discussed on IRC with Cloph who told me: > ------------- > there is the terminology project or the per-directory terminology files, > but the translation memory is from amagama > ------------ > So it's not sure we will be able to remove it as Amagama server is a > shared instance over projects. > I wrote to Dwayne today to ask him if the 2.6.0 release is ready and > when it could be deployed to our project. From what I know this version > include a local TM. I also asked him how to update Amagama with our LO > TM (that would help those using Virtaal too).
I haven't been closely following development of Pootle (or anything actually) lately, but *if* Pootle 2.6 is not ready yet, or *if* it will not include the TM feature, I think the idea to host our own instance of AmaGama is really worth considering. Having it our own, we could update or discard the strings in it as needed, perhaps even on a per-locale basis. That would hopefully make locale maintenance easier. Rimas -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: l10n+unsubscr...@global.libreoffice.org Problems? http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/mailing-lists/how-to-unsubscribe/ Posting guidelines + more: http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Netiquette List archive: http://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/l10n/ All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted