
2014.11.04 17:23, Stanislav Horáček wrote:
> And one note to translations in general: it would be very helpful to
> update Amagama translation memory to include LO 4.3 - otherwise we
> could reintroduce bad translations from elder series (I admit that
> using TM in Pootle is always risky since sources of Amagama
> suggestions are not shown).

I wonder what installation of AmaGama you are talking about. Is there
still a public instance of it which collects all the open-source
localizations into one TM? I tried to find it a few days ago, but couldn't.

And while this topic is on plate, does anyone think it would be a good
idea to run our own instance of AmaGama? I assume having a TM containing
only our own strings could help a lot when updating localizations
between releases, especially in cases like migration to Glade, where the
remain stay 99% the same, and only accesskeys and/or string id's change.
My vision is we could feed it with our strings when branching new
releases, and integrate it with Pootle to offer suggestions. I assume we
could also selectively drop old translations before importing new ones,
on a per-request basis.


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