Le 3 nov. 2014 20:21, "Cor Nouws" <oo...@nouenoff.nl> a écrit :
> Hi Olivier,
> Thanks for raising the red flag!
> Olivier Hallot wrote on 03-11-14 20:03:
> > adds colons to many strings in the dialogs, which will force translators
> with due respect: looking at the trouble all the work gives for the
> volunteers here (and inconsistencies introduced because not all people
> are evenly skilled with tooling and able to spent time etc etc)
> I would even suggest to consider to park those changes up to the moment
> that there is tooling that makes translation of the "new" strings

Yes thanks Olivier for the head up.  I'll bring it to our next team call
and see what we can arrange.
For information (and for the first time) I don't consider the FR version to
be ready for 4.4.0, maybe for 4.4.1 and more surely for 4.4.2. I would like
to see how it really impacts the version and our regular users (and as a
consequence,  my personal life ;-).

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