2014-02-20 21:25 GMT+02:00 khagaroth <khagar...@gmail.com>:

> On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 5:00 PM, Cor Nouws <nou...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> > The idea is that the people that work in pootle, having to translate
> > dialogs that are sometimes strange to them, can look at how it was
> > before the conversion to ui.
> >
> A much better idea would be if someone actually converted the current
> strings to the new format, so that we don't have to retranslate tons of
> stuff just because of minor changes like a different accelerator character.

+ a million!!!

Before 4.2, I was pretty frustrated by having to retranslate previously
translated strings, because "~" had been changed into "_", thereby creating
some 6000 (IIRC) "untranslated" words. Sometimes TM helped, but with one or
two-word strings, there were often several alternatives, so I had to chase
the previous translation down in my 4.1 installation.

Btw, Andras & Cloph already wrote a script for automatically migrating help
translations, I suppose that could be reused (or used as reference, at
least) for UI as well. I can't find the thread on list-archive for some
reason, but look for "autofix for helpIDs in libo_help in progress (was:
Automatic translations and no suggestions in Pootle)" in your own email
(around 27 Nov 2013).

Best regards,
the Estonian team

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