Hi Sophie,

Sophie wrote (20-02-14 15:45)
> Le 20/02/2014 15:24, Cor Nouws a écrit :
>> So a long way to go to 4.3.0  - not ? ;)
> it depends if you have to check and correct your localization or if
> you're done ;)

As far as I can see, there is no localization started, so nothing to
check either :)

>> I think it can be a nice job for people to do some preparation work wrt
>> the localization of converted dialogs.
>> Making screen shots of the current versions for example..
> What will we do with them ?

The idea is that the people that work in pootle, having to translate
dialogs that are sometimes strange to them, can look at how it was
before the conversion to ui.

>> Can someone do a useful grep op cgit log to get all "converted * to .ui"
>> commits (since 4.2.0 branch off) ?
> you've got them in the share directory of your installation.

We do not have the .ui files that are in master.
And if there would be a nightly for 32bits debian, I still had to sort
out for what was added after 4.2 branch off.
Hence my request.


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