2013/10/13 Mateusz Zasuwik <mzasu...@gmail.com>

> Hey
> Today member of my team discovered a few new and unexpected changes in
> translation. For instance:
> - "All" means "Wszystkie" but something changed translation on "Dla
> wszystkich".
> - "Number" means "Liczba" but something changed translation on "Ilość".
> These changes affected only with LO 4.1. Version 4.0 still contains old
> (correct written) words.
> All:
> 4.0 -
> https://translations.documentfoundation.org/pl/libo40x_ui/translate.html#unit=36090217
> 4.1 -
> https://translations.documentfoundation.org/pl/libo_ui/translate.html#unit=40165460
> Number:
> 4.0 -
> https://translations.documentfoundation.org/pl/libo40x_ui/translate.html#unit=36090220
> 4.1 -
> https://translations.documentfoundation.org/pl/libo_ui/translate.html#unit=40165390
> Non of us did not implement any changes, so someone did it without our
> permission and knowledge (or is bot guilty of it?)

Hi Mateusz, all,

Things like this have also happened to Estonian translation on Pootle. I
don't remember concrete examples anymore, though.
My impression is that it has happened after updating from templates of a
new branch for the first time, i.e. when (say) 4.0 translations are set as
4.1 translations and updated from 4.1 templates, then something goes wrong
for some strings.

Best regards,
Estonian team

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