Hi all,

2013/6/14 Andras Timar <tima...@gmail.com>

> On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 9:46 PM, Olivier Hallot
> <olivier.hal...@documentfoundation.org> wrote:
> > Hello Andras
> >
> > Well... since very few languages have LightProof grammar checking
> > (en-US, hu-HU, pt-BR and ru-RU), I guess it is quite easy to decide.
> >
> Yes, it's easy to decide, especially, because noone else was
> interested in this thread. Let me explain to others what this change
> would mean.
> There will be en-US, hu-HU, pt-BR and ru-RU LightProof settings
> dialogs (one for each) in all localizations. This makes sense, because
> when someone wants to check e.g. Russian text, she must know Russian
> anyway.

Not necessarily. An example from my personal experience: I don't speak
Russian (can read the Cyrillic letters, though), but I have had to prepare
Russian text for publishing online (alongside the same text in a few other
languages) -- finding e.g. double spaces, missing/superfluous quotes,
repeated words, and fixing them with the help of either Google Translate or
the text's author. Now, if the settings dialog for LightProof was only in
Russian, I would have quite a hard time understanding what is what there
(text from that dialog can't be copied to Google Translate, either, I'd
have had to retype it). Of course, one could argue that in this case I was
not the best person for that job (and one would be correct), but for small
volunteer groups, both time and people are very limited resources.

I suppose similar scenarios could occur for someone else with Hungarian,
Portuguese or even English (as unbelievable as it may sound, there are in
fact still people who don't speak the language, or who would just be more
comfortable with settings dialogs in their native language).

> If nobody protests, I'll do what Olivier suggested before RC1.
I guess the above was a bit of a protest. I strongly support having more
things translatable, as opposed to reducing them :)

Best regards,
Estonian team

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