On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 9:46 PM, Olivier Hallot
<olivier.hal...@documentfoundation.org> wrote:
> Hello Andras
> Well... since very few languages have LightProof grammar checking
> (en-US, hu-HU, pt-BR and ru-RU), I guess it is quite easy to decide.

Yes, it's easy to decide, especially, because noone else was
interested in this thread. Let me explain to others what this change
would mean.

There will be en-US, hu-HU, pt-BR and ru-RU LightProof settings
dialogs (one for each) in all localizations. This makes sense, because
when someone wants to check e.g. Russian text, she must know Russian
anyway. If nobody protests, I'll do what Olivier suggested before RC1.


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