2012.03.06 10:11, Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay rašė:
Hi Rimas,

On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 12:51 PM, Rimas Kudelis<r...@akl.lt>  wrote:

Do you want me to create it as a copy of bn initially, or seed with English
as usual?
For other projects we have opted to seed it with a copy of bn if the
credits can be retained. We would like to do that if that is possible,
else we would choose to seed it with English.

Not sure about retaining the credits (maybe Andras can answer better about this), but I've seeded the projects with Bengali and made you the language admin. You can now grant rights to other members of your team. Please make sure to update the Language Teams wiki page (http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Language_Teams).

Note: I did not copy libo34 projects, only libo35 ones.


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