
I would like to request a new group for the bn-IN (Bengali India)
locale for LibO.o. In addition to this I'd like to request the
appropriate access on Pootle to enable us to provide the translations
for the release.

Previously, during OO.o days, I have been one of the admins associated
with the bn (Bengali) locale.

The request to provide the new locale is in coherence with the
separation of locales for other projects like Firefox/Mozilla, GNOME
etc. for which we have already separated to better scale up with the
translation and localization efforts.

I have copied on this email fellow members who are associated
with/coordinating similar efforts in other projects. Additionally, I
have copied the current coordinator for bn locale at LibO.o (who was
also our co-admin for the OO.o bn translation team).


sankarshan mukhopadhyay

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