2012.02.25. 10:02 keltezéssel, Sveinn í Felli írta:
At the LibreOffice conference in Paris, Andras did mention conversion to
gettext as a future possibility;
has there been any feedback from the devs about that ?

 From what I've seen, there are other pending restructurations of the
codebase; another toolkit (GTK?), simplification of icon locations,
skinning, etc.

Caolán also mentioned gettext in his FOSDEM 2012 presentation.
See http://people.redhat.com/caolanm/FOSDEM2012.odp
All slides from FOSDEM 2012 LibreOffice devroom:

A started to write a program that converted po files to LibreOffice resources. Unfortunately I did not finish it and I have not worked on it since last summer. I also had a gettext patch but it had strange character corruption issues and nodoby could tell why. So it was dropped. I'm sure that Caolán's solution will be more robust. I'm not a programmer after all. :)

Best regards,

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