2011/10/25 Dwayne Bailey <dwa...@translate.org.za>:
> On 2011-10-08 11:18, Andras Timar wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Some of you have already noticed that LibreOffice 3.5 strings have
>> been uploaded to Pootle. I migrated 3.4 translations and I did not
>> only a simple pomigrate2 but I applied a few code changes that did not
>> affect the translated text but lowered your fuzzy/new word count
>> significatly. I'll publish the script later today, it's on my other
>> computer. I will put the current en-US SDF file and pot files online,
>> too.
> Please don't forget to share any of those changes for others who use the
> Translate Toolkit in other project :)  You can add them at
> bugs.locamotion.org.

It was very specific to LibreOffice 3.4 -> 3.5 migration, for example
I replaced image paths in help files. (see

Best regards,

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