On 2011-10-08 11:18, Andras Timar wrote:

Some of you have already noticed that LibreOffice 3.5 strings have
been uploaded to Pootle. I migrated 3.4 translations and I did not
only a simple pomigrate2 but I applied a few code changes that did not
affect the translated text but lowered your fuzzy/new word count
significatly. I'll publish the script later today, it's on my other
computer. I will put the current en-US SDF file and pot files online,
Please don't forget to share any of those changes for others who use the Translate Toolkit in other project :) You can add them at bugs.locamotion.org.

New feature is the KeyID comment. KeyIDs will help to find strings
seen on the user inteface in Pootle. You can search for them in
Pootle, use the Search field and check Comments checkbox. LibreOffice
3.5 betas will contain the KeyIDs in front of English UI elements.

Also please note that LibreOffice 3.5 is a moving target. There can be
string changes until it freezes in December. I'll update Pootle
regularly, and I'll export translations to git regularly as well.

Let me know, if you have questions.



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