Hi Christian

thanks for You explanation.

you are correct. I will correct all strings with "Heading" word

2011/4/20 Christian Lohmaier <lohmaier+ooofut...@googlemail.com>

> Hi again,
> On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 10:35 AM, Sérgio Marques <smarque...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Your information was relevant.
> Hmm - your fix seems suboptimal.
> the HEADING one is the paragraph style entries in Format & Styles, you got
> Heading
> Heading 1
> Heading 2
> ...
> Heading 10
> i.e. those are the styles to structure and format your documents.
> You did choose
> Cabeçalho principal
> Cabeçalho 1
> ...
> Cabeçalho 10
> I think this is misleading, as the "Heading" style is not meant for
> structuring, but to define basic styling (Font, ....) for all the
> other headers, instead of setting this for each Header 1-10 manually.
> (i.e. you're not supposed to apply that style to your document, but
> only use the numbered ones, the one without number is only to define
> common formatting)
> The HEADER one on the other hand has nothing to do with
> heading-styles, but it is the one meant for the area on top of each
> page, that is the same on all pages (the thing at the bottom is the
> footer), you set it in Format|Page
> As there are left and right pages, there is the base Header style and
> also Header left and Header right.
> Of course I don't really know Portuguese, but having the same word for
> both sounds really strange to me (and the pt_BR variant uses Titulo
> for the Heading ones)
> ciao
> Christian
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Sérgio Marques

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