Hi Rimas, *,

On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 12:52 PM, Rimas Kudelis <r...@akl.lt> wrote:
> 2011.04.06 13:34, Christian Lohmaier rašė:
>> [...]
>> I'm currently moving stuff pootle over to an additional virtual disk
>> though...
> Thanks, please ping us when you're done.


> By the way, maybe we should take this discussion of the l10n list? I don't
> think many localizers are interested in technical difficulties we're facing.

Well, I want to keep it on a list - and the l10n list seems just
suitable for it. While the localizers might not be interested in every
technical detail, having the discussion on list saves them the
question "what is wrong with pootle?" or "is pootle down? When can we
work with pootle" etc.

Having it all off-list basically results in more work in the end. (or
more annoyed users, since they try in vain to do some work, and don't
know the reason for it.

I as a user of a webservice would like to know why it is not
working/when I can expect it to be online again...


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