2011/4/4 Rimas Kudelis <r...@akl.lt>: > Right. I've migrated the database and files, and updated the database at > some later point, before switching DNS entries to point to the Virtual > machine. > > Now we need to import 3.4 files into the new Pootle and then start > localizing (aka testing the installation). How can we proceed with this? > > Stuff to consider: Pootle may run slower on this machine, and we may > experience other problems, at least for now. I wasn't able to convince the > admin that Pootle needs more resources, so we have what we have. Maybe if we > manage to give enough load to the server, he'll change his mind (or we'll > find other ways to deal with the problem). > > So, let's start importing files for 3.4, shall we? >
I think first step should be to migrate those languages that already have 'full' translations. Rimas, is it possible to copy libo33x_ui and libo33x_help files to libo34x_ui and libo34_help respectively, and update them using the libo34x_ui and libo34_help templates? I can add other languages via the web interface later. I updated the templates for 3.4 now. Thanks, Andras -- Unsubscribe instructions: E-mail to l10n+h...@libreoffice.org Posting guidelines + more: http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Netiquette List archive: http://listarchives.libreoffice.org/www/l10n/ All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted